
SmartIndustryConRus-2023 PROGRAMM

    ¹ Authors Name/s, papers Title
    Section 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Industry 4.0
    11786A.V. Astafiev
    Development of a Methodology for the Identification of Ferrous Metal Products by Their Contactless Point Labeling Using Convolutional Neural Networks
    11823D.M. Beloborodov, A.I. Razumowsky
    Universal Route Search Module in Conditions of Uncertainty
    11857O.N. Kuzyakov, S.A. Sorokina, E.A. Shutova
    Development of an Automated Diagnostic System of Lung Pathologies in Lymphoma
    11887I.I. Jumanov, R.A. Safarov, O.I. Djumanov
    Optimization of Micro-Object Identification by Correcting Distorted Image Points
    11897N.V. Smirnov, A.S. Trifonov
    Classification of Incoming Messages of the University Admission Campaign
    11939D. Antonov, P. Burankina, V. Dement’ev
    Digital Assistant to Operator
    11941V. Arkov
    Uncertainty Estimation in Machine Learning
    11958E.S. Abramova, A.A. Orlov
    Optimal Parameters Determination for Extreme Learning Machine in the Human Activity Recognition
    11963I.I. Jumanov, S.M. Kholmonov
    Optimization of Micro-object Identification Based on the Mellin Transform and the Use of Parallel Computing
    11998Ì. Knyazeva, À. Tselykh, Å. Kotov
    A Model for the Optimal Ordering of Weighted Vertices on a Graph for Local Integrated Energy Systems
    12006F.M. Nazarov, S. Yarmatov
    Optimization of Prediction Results Based on Ensemble Methods of Machine Learning
    12019M.M. Gavrikov, A.Y. Mezentseva, R.M. Sinetsky
    Heuristic Techniques for Constructing Hidden Markov Models of Stochastic Processes
    12031E.V. Karmanova, I.V. Gavrilova, O.E. Maslennikova
    Deep Learning in Automation of Checking Homework Assignments
    12035Ya. Schegolikhin, Ì. Mitrokhin, À. Eremin
    Image Preprocessing to Improve Object Recognition in Complex Weather Conditions
    12043A. Kashevnik, A. Ali, A. Mayatin
    AI-Based Method for Frame Detection in Engineering Drawings
    12046Iu.E. Shishkin, A.N. Grekov
    Implementation of YOLOv5 for Detection and Classification of Microplastics and Microorganisms in Marine Environment
    12065D. Perepelkin, M. Ivanchikova, T. Nguyen
    Research of Multipath Routing and Load Balancing Processes in Software Defined Networks Based on Bird Migration Algorithm
    12075N. Dorofeev, M. Goryachev
    Analysis of Theft of Housing and Communal Services Resources Based on Neural Network Technologies
    12102E.A. Titenko, O.G. Dobroserdov, D.P. Teterin
    The Computational Schemes of a Noise-Resistant Coding for Autonomous Robotic Complexes
    12110V. Shepelev, A. Glushkov, A. Vorobyev
    Using Computer Vision to Analyze the Sequence of Vehicles Passing Through Regulated Intersections
    12116I. Yasinskiy, T. Gvozdeva, V. Tyutikov
    Combined Method of Cognitive Assessment of the Specialist Professional Potential
    12122A.A. Zotkina, A.I. Martyshkin
    Identification of a Depressive State Among Users of the Vkontakte Social Network
    12128A.R. Tazeev, M.G. Nuriev
    Assessment of the Financial Condition of Enterprises Using Neural Network Technology
    12133M. Mokhles, I. Makarov
    Multi-Class Classification Using Quantum Kernel Methods
    12161V. Gribova, E. Shalfeeva
    Ontological Framework for Constructing Hybrid Prognoses and Risk Assessment of Critical Conditions of Patients
    12167T.A. Kuznetsova, A.A. Sukharev
    The Neural Network Controller for the Dry Low Emission Combustor of Gas-Turbine Power Plants
    12228D.A. Lyutkin, A.Y. Romanov, N.D. Nasonov
    Segmenting Prostate Cancer on TRUS Images with a Small Dataset: A Comprehensive Methodology
    12229R. Zaev, A.Y. Romanov, R.A. Solovyev
    Segmentation of Prostate Cancer on TRUS Images Using ML
    12249S. Staroletov
    A Software Framework for Jetson Nano to Detect Anomalies in CAN Data
    55011A. Rogachev, E. Melikhova, N. Zolotykh
    Building Deep Neural Networks for solving Machine Learning Problems in Agricultural Production
    55016V. Olonichev, B. Staroverov, S. Tarasov
    The Holographic and Perceptron Neuron Networks Joint Application for the Dynamic Sytems Behavior Forecast
    88009A. T. Latipova, P. P. Kumar
    Overview of Scene Graph Generation Approaches in Computer Vision
    Section 2. Digital Twins Technologiesâ
    11780M.G. Tyagunov, R.P. Sheverdiev
    Digital Twin as an Effective and Versatile Tool for Modeling and Optimizing Hybrid Energy Complexes at All Stages of the Life Cycle
    11833D.A. Shnayder, E.A. Kalinina
    Development of the Digital Twin for Flotation of Non-Ferrous Metal Ore Beneficiation
    11932O.Yu. Maryasin
    Optimal Energy Consumption Control in a Multi-Zone Building Based on a Hybrid Digital Twin
    11969D. Topolsky, A. Belyakov, V. Pochinskaia
    Electronic Passport as the Basis of the Digital Twin
    11977E. Jharko, K. Chernyshov
    Digital Twins: Forecasting and Formation of Optimal Control Programs for NPP Power Units
    12051O.A. Ivashchuk, V.I. Fedorov, V.A. Berezhnoy
    Digital Clones at the Adaptable Control in the Agricultural Biotechnology
    12076R. Tashbulatov, R. Karimov, A. Valeev
    Decision Support System for Feasibility Study and Determination the Optimal Way to Increase the Throughput Capacity of Main Oil Pipelines
    12127G. Martinov, A. Al Khoury, A. Issa
    Development and Use of OPC UA Tools for Data Collection and Monitoring of Technological Equipment
    12179O.V. Zakharov, A.S. Yakovishin, F.D. Suleymanova
    Numerical Modeling of Rough Surfaces of Additive Manufacturing Products
    12185A. Stulov, A. Tikhonov, A. Karzhevin
    Digital Twin of Scott-T Connection Special Transformer
    12200G. Martinov, N. Martemianova
    An Approach to the Production of Prototype Printed Circuit Boards on Bench-Type Machine with the CNC System
    55002V. Antonov, L. Kromina, A. Fakhrullina, L. Rodionova
    A method for Generating a Digital Twin Structure for a System for Organizing Preventive Maintenance in the Electricity Sector
    Section 3. Data Mining and Big Data Analytics
    11781I.F. Galiev, I.P. Alekseev, A.M. Makletsov, M.Sh. Garifullin, A.R. Gizatullin
    Development of an Integrated Expert System for Distribution Network Diagnostics Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology
    11829A.I. Burumbaev, V.T. Kuanishev, N.M. Barbin
    Statistical Analysis Methods of the Data Obtained by Water Electro Conductivity Measurement
    11884L. Martinova, S. Sokolov, R. Pushkov
    Integration of Intelligent Industrial Systems into a Workshop-Level Information Network
    11907 E. Rusyaeva, A. Poltavsky, G. Akhobadze
    Integrative Approach to Creation of Information Systems and Entropy Analysis of Linguistic Information
    11908Yu.N. Kondrashova, A.M. Tretyakov, A.V. Shalimov
    Analysis of Consumer Category Data in the Context of an Industrial Enterprise
    12081A. Bobunov, D. Korobkin, S. Fomenkov
    Development of the Concept and Architecture of an Automated System for Updating Physical Knowledge for Information Support of Search Design
    12100Nguyen Tien Duc, A.F. Galimyanov, I.Z. Akhmetov
    Neural Network Method for Solving Fractional Differential Equations with the Dirichlet Problem
    12106V. Promyslov, K. Semenkov
    On the Choice of a Model for Representing Data Flow Parameters in a Digital System
    12119Nguyen Tien Duc, A.F. Galimyanov, I.Z. Akhmetov
    Artificial Neural Network Method for Solving a Fractional Order Differential Equation with the Cauchy-Type Problem
    12132G. Uteyev, V.S. Kirillov, E.S. Belashova
    Gathering and Analysis of Electromagnetic Characteristics Using the CST MicroWave Studio Software Application
    12247Yu. Soluyanov, A. Fedotov, A. Akhmetshin
    Development of Regulatory Documents for the Calculation of Electrical Loads of Residential Buildings Using Big Data
    12252D. Korobkin, G. Vereschak, S. Fomenkov
    Development of an Application for Forecasting the Development of Technologies on the Example of Television and Radio Broadcasting
    55010V. Morozov,V. Shepelev, A. Vorobyev
    Improving the Decision-Making System of ITS Based on Dynamic Modeling of the Intensity of Vehicle Traffic along the Lanes, Taking into Account Environmental Factors
    55013V. Latypova
    Design Documentation Agreement Automated System with Approving Person Intelligent Support
    88002V. Goryunova, T. Goryunova
    Strategic Framework for Monitoring Systems for Territorial Administration Objects Using Data Warehouse Technologies
    88003V. Stepanyants, M. Andzhusheva, A. Romanov.
    A Pipeline for Traffic Accident Dataset Development
    88004S. Lygdenov
    Evaluation of the Influence of Priorities in Multichannel Data Transmission Systems
    88013E. Abdulova
    Modification of the Risk Potential Predicting Algorithm for Monitoring the State of the NPP Power Unit
    88016K. Kulagin, M. Salikhov, R. A. Burnashev.
    Designing an Educational Intelligent System with Natural Language Processing Based on Fuzzy Logic
    Section 4. Cloud and High-Performance Computing for Smart Factory
    11789M.M. Bazhutin, V.S. Moshkin
    An Approach to Improving the Efficiency of the Database of a Large Industrial Enterprise
    11867I. Sokolov, Yu. Stepchenkov, Yu. Diachenko
    Self-timed Fused Multiplier-Adder Pipeline Optimization
    11901V.O. Groppen, A.A. Berko
    Modular Technology of Definite Multiple Integrals Calculation: Analytical Analysis and Experimental Verification of Efficiency
    11945V.A. Bogatyrev, S.V. Bogatyrev, V.V. Sivov
    Reliability of a Cluster of Duplicated Computer Systems with the Criticality of Functional Requests to Waiting
    12118R.A. Biktashev, A.I. Martyshkin
    Designing a High-Performance Resource Management Module for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems
    12212A. Poletikin, N. Mengazetdinov, K. Semenkov
    Nature-Like Structural Node Components for Software and Hardware Complexes on the Basis of Single-Board Computers
    88005A. I. Martyshkin, R. A. Biktashev, E. G. Bershadskaya
    Development of a Means and Algorithm for Balancing the Load of Processors in a Reconfigurable Computing System
    Section 5. Industrial Internet of Things
    12089A. Valeev, R. Tashbulatov, R. Karimov
    Development of a System for Remote Condition Monitoring of Industrial Machines and Defect Locating
    12215V.A. Bogatyrev, Anh Tu Le, E.A. Abramova
    Reliability of Multipath Networks with Optimization of the Location of Inter-Path Communication Nodes
    55018A.N. Ushkov, N.O. Strelkov, V.V. Krutskikh, A.I. Chernikov
    Industrial Internet of Things Platform for Water Resource Monitoring
    Section 6. Virtual and Augmented Realities for Industry 4.0
    11868D.V. Goncharov, O.A. Ivashchuk, N.G. Reznikov
    Method for Modeling and Vizualization of Agricultural Crops Growth Based on Augmented Reality Technology in Terms of the Greenhouse Effect Dynamics
    12156N.V. Khalina, N.N. Pivkina, T.S. Borzhikov
    Evidential Markers of Virtual Reality: Linguistic Markup of the Navigation Route
    12163N.M. Borgest, S.A. Vlasov, D.S. Glibotsky
    Development and Application of an Application with Augmented Reality Technology for Training Future Aircraft Designers
    Section 7. Cybersecurity in Digital Industry
    11809I.A. Kalmykov, D.V. Dukhovnyj, A.A. Olenev
    Development of an Imitation-Resistant Sattelite Authentication Protocol Using Modular Codes of Residue Number System
    11814I.A. Kalmykov, N.K. Chistousov, N.I. Kalmykova
    Modification of Schnorr Authentication Protocol Using Modular Codes
    11996U. Kuzmina, O. Kazakov, B. Erushev
    Building an Attack Tree for Analysis of Information Security Risks
    11997A.V. Manzhosov, I.P. Bolodurina, N.A. Dolgushev
    Development of an Automated Method for Compiling a List of Protected Objects Based on a Special Classification of Information Assets in the Field of Information Security
    12030S. Khanbekov, À. Zakharov
    Continuous Speaker Authentication when Using Network Administrator Virtual Assistant
    12050À. Zakharov, I. Zakharova, D. Korenev
    Blockchain Architecture for Secure Storage of IoT Data
    12069A.Yu. Iskhakov, M.V. Mamchenko, S.P. Khripunov
    Enhanced User Authentication Algorithm Based on Behavioral Analytics in Web-Based Cyberphysical Systems
    12074N. Dorofeev, A. Grecheneva, R. Sharapov
    Informational Image of a Person’s Gait According to Mobile Phone Data
    12079Y. Kuzmina, A. Azovtseva, A. Perminova
    Vulnerability of Biometric Protection
    12125A. Iakovleva, M. Zhukova, T. Strekaleva
    Information Security Incident Handling Regulation
    12149A. Salita, A. Krasov
    Network Stegoinsider Detection
    12178Yu.A. Alexeevskaya, Yu.V. Molodtsova, R.A. Alexeevsky
    Forensic Search for Traces of Unauthorized Access Using the Kerberos Authentication Protocol
    12191A.M. Boger, A.N. Sokolov
    Calculating the Maximum Response Time of Protection Systems of Industrial Control System Network to the Impact of a DDoS Attack
    12211M.P. Sokolov, P.A. Manatin, N.D. Zyulyarkina
    The Parallelization of Computations for Ensuring Information Security in Connected Vehicle Systems Using Q-Effective Programming: The Example of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
    55001A.N. Ragozin, A.D. Pletenkova
    Artificial Neural Network Predictive Autoencoder with Pre-Digital Signal Processing Unit
    Section 8. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
    11892E. Kuimov, N. Vetrova, S. Meshkov
    Model of the Initial Section of RTD’s CVC for RFID Tags
    12042A.N. Krasnov, M.Yu. Prakhova, Yu.V. Kalashnik
    Organization of Wireless Sensor Network at Drilling Sites
    12253E. Jharko, M. Mamchenko, S.P. Khripunov
    Robot/UAV Indoor Visual SLAM in Smart Cities Based on Remote Data Processing
    55004S. Kalabanov, R. Shagiev, R. Ishmuratov
    Automated Data Acquisition System for Cold Water Metering at Factory
    Section 9. Industrial Robotics
    11807P. Grakhov, A. Fedin, V. Yasoveev
    Characteristics of Angular Displacement Actuators Based on Magnetostrictive Plates under the Action of Prestressing
    11878O. Filipovich, N. Chalenkov, A. Vozhzhov
    Determining the Positioning Accuracy of a Multifunctional Module Based on a SCARA Type Manipulator
    12007V.A. Karapetyan, V.N. Miryanova
    Solving the Inverse Kinematics Problem for a Seven Link Robot Manipulator by the Particle Swarm Optimization
    12028Iu. Zaitceva, N.V. Kuznetsov, B. Andrievsky
    Approach to Identifying Areas of Uncontrolled Oscillations in Human-Machine Systems
    12199O. Emelyanova, S. Efimov, S. Jatsun
    Algorithms for Robotic Intelligent Systems for Predicting Fire Hazardous Situations at an Early Stage
    12240E. Koptjaev, A.J. Marques Cardoso
    A New Rectifier for Industrial Use
    12241E. Koptjaev, A.J. Marques Cardoso
    A New DC Source for Experimental Use
    12242E. Koptjaev, A.J. Marques Cardoso
    A Comparative Study of Brushless Non-salient Pole Monopolar Generators
    55014R.R. Galin, S.B. Galina
    Approach to Efficient Task Allocation in a Collaborative Robotic System Using Modified Cost Functions
    55015S.B. Galina, R.R. Galin
    Approach to Efficient Task Allocation and Cost Minimization in Collaborative Robotic Systems
    Section 10. Control systems and Automation Engineering
    12120A. Prasolov, S. Andreev, I. Nazarov
    The Algorithm of Intelligent Control Adjustment of the Mode Map of Hot Blast Stove’s Unit Based on Fuzzy Logic
    44001I.R. Abdulveleev, I.V. Liubimov, V.R. Gasiyarov
    Construction Smart System for Monitoring Technical Condition of Furnace Transformer Vaccum Circuit Breaker
    44002P.A. Bovshik, B.M. Loginov, V.R. Khramshin
    Construction Principle for Object-Oriented Digital Twins of Mechatronic Complexes of Rolling Mills
    44003V.V. Shokhin, G.P. Kornilov, O.V. Permyakova
    Investigation of Frequency Controlled Electric Drive with Control Signal Limitation by the Frequency Controller
    55008A.A. Vagapov, R.O. Guzanov, I.V. Iakovlev
    The Development of the Technique for Automated Tracing of Printed Circuit Board Interconnections of Electronic Devices
    55017A.N. Shishkov, M.M. Dudkin, V.K. Le, N.A. Eremin
    Neutral Point Voltage Balance Based on Space-Vector PWM with Five-Stage Sequence for Three-Level Voltage Inverter
    55019A. Karpov, D. Sarychev, S. Kalabanov
    Computer Model of “Smart Grid” for Power Transmission Lines with Tree-Like Topology
    55020A.S. Maklakov, A.A. Nikolaev, V.R. Gasiyarov, A.A. Filimonova
    Power Quality Improvement in the Grid via High-power AC Regenerative Electric Drives
    70003S.V. Oskin, Z.H. Naguchev, D.M. Taranov
    Investigation of the Temperature Condition of Electric Motors Using the Comsol Package
    88001G. R. Titova, M. I. Malsagov.
    Mathematical Model of a Micro Grid for a Hybrid Autonomous Station Based on Renewable Energy Sources for the Republic of Ingushetia
    88006V. Gusev
    Application of an Extreme Regulator to Control an Inertial Object
    88007Sh. Umarov
    Dependence of Current Invertor Critical Frequecies on its Load Parametrs
    88008Ah. F. Akkad, N. Erdili, E. Sosnina
    Application of a Fuzzy Logic Controller in a D-STATCOM in an Electrical Network with Distributed Generation
    88010G. F. Akhmedyanova, T. A. Pishchukhina, A. M. Pishchukhin
    Signal Delay Study in the Adaptive Control Scheme with the Model in the Loop
    88011A.V. Petrov,D. A. Kostiukov,M. V. Zhukov.
    Use of the Larionov Scheme as Negative Sequence Filter of a Three-Phase Voltage System
    88012A.V. Petrov, D. A.Kostiukov, P. A. Zvada
    The Study of Error of Determining the Phase Shift
    88014Yu. Soluyanov, A.r Fedotov, A. Akhmetshin
    Study of Electrical Loads of Individual Residential Buildings with the Subsequent Development of Regulatory Documents
    88015V.V. Mikhaylov
    Influence of External Magnetic Fields on Measurement Errors by Induction Current Transformers
    88017A. A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Gorlov, M. A. Volchanina
    Research of High-Voltage Discharge in Oil on a Simulator with a Various Set of Defects