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Authors Name/s, papers Title |
Section 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Industry 4.0 |
11786 | A.V. Astafiev Development of a Methodology for the Identification of Ferrous Metal Products by Their Contactless Point Labeling Using Convolutional Neural Networks |
11823 | D.M. Beloborodov, A.I. Razumowsky Universal Route Search Module in Conditions of Uncertainty |
11857 | O.N. Kuzyakov, S.A. Sorokina, E.A. Shutova Development of an Automated Diagnostic System of Lung Pathologies in Lymphoma |
11887 | I.I. Jumanov, R.A. Safarov, O.I. Djumanov Optimization of Micro-Object Identification by Correcting Distorted Image Points |
11897 | N.V. Smirnov, A.S. Trifonov Classification of Incoming Messages of the University Admission Campaign |
11939 | D. Antonov, P. Burankina, V. Dement’ev Digital Assistant to Operator |
11941 | V. Arkov Uncertainty Estimation in Machine Learning |
11958 | E.S. Abramova, A.A. Orlov Optimal Parameters Determination for Extreme Learning Machine in the Human Activity Recognition |
11963 | I.I. Jumanov, S.M. Kholmonov Optimization of Micro-object Identification Based on the Mellin Transform and the Use of Parallel Computing |
11998 | Ì. Knyazeva, À. Tselykh, Å. Kotov A Model for the Optimal Ordering of Weighted Vertices on a Graph for Local Integrated Energy Systems |
12006 | F.M. Nazarov, S. Yarmatov Optimization of Prediction Results Based on Ensemble Methods of Machine Learning |
12019 | M.M. Gavrikov, A.Y. Mezentseva, R.M. Sinetsky Heuristic Techniques for Constructing Hidden Markov Models of Stochastic Processes |
12031 | E.V. Karmanova, I.V. Gavrilova, O.E. Maslennikova Deep Learning in Automation of Checking Homework Assignments |
12035 | Ya. Schegolikhin, Ì. Mitrokhin, À. Eremin Image Preprocessing to Improve Object Recognition in Complex Weather Conditions |
12043 | A. Kashevnik, A. Ali, A. Mayatin AI-Based Method for Frame Detection in Engineering Drawings |
12046 | Iu.E. Shishkin, A.N. Grekov Implementation of YOLOv5 for Detection and Classification of Microplastics and Microorganisms in Marine Environment |
12065 | D. Perepelkin, M. Ivanchikova, T. Nguyen Research of Multipath Routing and Load Balancing Processes in Software Defined Networks Based on Bird Migration Algorithm |
12075 | N. Dorofeev, M. Goryachev Analysis of Theft of Housing and Communal Services Resources Based on Neural Network Technologies |
12102 | E.A. Titenko, O.G. Dobroserdov, D.P. Teterin The Computational Schemes of a Noise-Resistant Coding for Autonomous Robotic Complexes |
12110 | V. Shepelev, A. Glushkov, A. Vorobyev Using Computer Vision to Analyze the Sequence of Vehicles Passing Through Regulated Intersections |
12116 | I. Yasinskiy, T. Gvozdeva, V. Tyutikov Combined Method of Cognitive Assessment of the Specialist Professional Potential |
12122 | A.A. Zotkina, A.I. Martyshkin Identification of a Depressive State Among Users of the Vkontakte Social Network |
12128 | A.R. Tazeev, M.G. Nuriev Assessment of the Financial Condition of Enterprises Using Neural Network Technology |
12133 | M. Mokhles, I. Makarov Multi-Class Classification Using Quantum Kernel Methods |
12161 | V. Gribova, E. Shalfeeva Ontological Framework for Constructing Hybrid Prognoses and Risk Assessment of Critical Conditions of Patients |
12167 | T.A. Kuznetsova, A.A. Sukharev The Neural Network Controller for the Dry Low Emission Combustor of Gas-Turbine Power Plants |
12228 | D.A. Lyutkin, A.Y. Romanov, N.D. Nasonov Segmenting Prostate Cancer on TRUS Images with a Small Dataset: A Comprehensive Methodology |
12229 | R. Zaev, A.Y. Romanov, R.A. Solovyev Segmentation of Prostate Cancer on TRUS Images Using ML |
12249 | S. Staroletov A Software Framework for Jetson Nano to Detect Anomalies in CAN Data |
55011 | A. Rogachev, E. Melikhova, N. Zolotykh Building Deep Neural Networks for solving Machine Learning Problems in Agricultural Production |
55016 | V. Olonichev, B. Staroverov, S. Tarasov The Holographic and Perceptron Neuron Networks Joint Application for the Dynamic Sytems Behavior Forecast |
88009 | A. T. Latipova, P. P. Kumar Overview of Scene Graph Generation Approaches in Computer Vision |
Section 2. Digital Twins Technologiesâ |
11780 | M.G. Tyagunov, R.P. Sheverdiev Digital Twin as an Effective and Versatile Tool for Modeling and Optimizing Hybrid Energy Complexes at All Stages of the Life Cycle |
11833 | D.A. Shnayder, E.A. Kalinina Development of the Digital Twin for Flotation of Non-Ferrous Metal Ore Beneficiation |
11932 | O.Yu. Maryasin Optimal Energy Consumption Control in a Multi-Zone Building Based on a Hybrid Digital Twin |
11969 | D. Topolsky, A. Belyakov, V. Pochinskaia Electronic Passport as the Basis of the Digital Twin |
11977 | E. Jharko, K. Chernyshov Digital Twins: Forecasting and Formation of Optimal Control Programs for NPP Power Units |
12051 | O.A. Ivashchuk, V.I. Fedorov, V.A. Berezhnoy Digital Clones at the Adaptable Control in the Agricultural Biotechnology |
12076 | R. Tashbulatov, R. Karimov, A. Valeev Decision Support System for Feasibility Study and Determination the Optimal Way to Increase the Throughput Capacity of Main Oil Pipelines |
12127 | G. Martinov, A. Al Khoury, A. Issa Development and Use of OPC UA Tools for Data Collection and Monitoring of Technological Equipment |
12179 | O.V. Zakharov, A.S. Yakovishin, F.D. Suleymanova Numerical Modeling of Rough Surfaces of Additive Manufacturing Products |
12185 | A. Stulov, A. Tikhonov, A. Karzhevin Digital Twin of Scott-T Connection Special Transformer |
12200 | G. Martinov, N. Martemianova An Approach to the Production of Prototype Printed Circuit Boards on Bench-Type Machine with the CNC System |
55002 | V. Antonov, L. Kromina, A. Fakhrullina, L. Rodionova A method for Generating a Digital Twin Structure for a System for Organizing Preventive Maintenance in the Electricity Sector |
Section 3. Data Mining and Big Data Analytics |
11781 | I.F. Galiev, I.P. Alekseev, A.M. Makletsov, M.Sh. Garifullin, A.R. Gizatullin Development of an Integrated Expert System for Distribution Network Diagnostics Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology |
11829 | A.I. Burumbaev, V.T. Kuanishev, N.M. Barbin Statistical Analysis Methods of the Data Obtained by Water Electro Conductivity Measurement |
11884 | L. Martinova, S. Sokolov, R. Pushkov Integration of Intelligent Industrial Systems into a Workshop-Level Information Network |
11907 | E. Rusyaeva, A. Poltavsky, G. Akhobadze Integrative Approach to Creation of Information Systems and Entropy Analysis of Linguistic Information |
11908 | Yu.N. Kondrashova, A.M. Tretyakov, A.V. Shalimov Analysis of Consumer Category Data in the Context of an Industrial Enterprise |
12081 | A. Bobunov, D. Korobkin, S. Fomenkov Development of the Concept and Architecture of an Automated System for Updating Physical Knowledge for Information Support of Search Design |
12100 | Nguyen Tien Duc, A.F. Galimyanov, I.Z. Akhmetov Neural Network Method for Solving Fractional Differential Equations with the Dirichlet Problem |
12106 | V. Promyslov, K. Semenkov On the Choice of a Model for Representing Data Flow Parameters in a Digital System |
12119 | Nguyen Tien Duc, A.F. Galimyanov, I.Z. Akhmetov Artificial Neural Network Method for Solving a Fractional Order Differential Equation with the Cauchy-Type Problem |
12132 | G. Uteyev, V.S. Kirillov, E.S. Belashova Gathering and Analysis of Electromagnetic Characteristics Using the CST MicroWave Studio Software Application |
12247 | Yu. Soluyanov, A. Fedotov, A. Akhmetshin Development of Regulatory Documents for the Calculation of Electrical Loads of Residential Buildings Using Big Data |
12252 | D. Korobkin, G. Vereschak, S. Fomenkov Development of an Application for Forecasting the Development of Technologies on the Example of Television and Radio Broadcasting |
55010 | V. Morozov,V. Shepelev, A. Vorobyev Improving the Decision-Making System of ITS Based on Dynamic Modeling of the Intensity of Vehicle Traffic along the Lanes, Taking into Account Environmental Factors |
55013 | V. Latypova Design Documentation Agreement Automated System with Approving Person Intelligent Support |
88002 | V. Goryunova, T. Goryunova Strategic Framework for Monitoring Systems for Territorial Administration Objects Using Data Warehouse Technologies |
88003 | V. Stepanyants, M. Andzhusheva, A. Romanov. A Pipeline for Traffic Accident Dataset Development |
88004 | S. Lygdenov Evaluation of the Influence of Priorities in Multichannel Data Transmission Systems |
88013 | E. Abdulova Modification of the Risk Potential Predicting Algorithm for Monitoring the State of the NPP Power Unit |
88016 | K. Kulagin, M. Salikhov, R. A. Burnashev. Designing an Educational Intelligent System with Natural Language Processing Based on Fuzzy Logic |
Section 4. Cloud and High-Performance Computing for Smart Factory |
11789 | M.M. Bazhutin, V.S. Moshkin An Approach to Improving the Efficiency of the Database of a Large Industrial Enterprise |
11867 | I. Sokolov, Yu. Stepchenkov, Yu. Diachenko Self-timed Fused Multiplier-Adder Pipeline Optimization |
11901 | V.O. Groppen, A.A. Berko Modular Technology of Definite Multiple Integrals Calculation: Analytical Analysis and Experimental Verification of Efficiency |
11945 | V.A. Bogatyrev, S.V. Bogatyrev, V.V. Sivov Reliability of a Cluster of Duplicated Computer Systems with the Criticality of Functional Requests to Waiting |
12118 | R.A. Biktashev, A.I. Martyshkin Designing a High-Performance Resource Management Module for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems |
12212 | A. Poletikin, N. Mengazetdinov, K. Semenkov Nature-Like Structural Node Components for Software and Hardware Complexes on the Basis of Single-Board Computers |
88005 | A. I. Martyshkin, R. A. Biktashev, E. G. Bershadskaya Development of a Means and Algorithm for Balancing the Load of Processors in a Reconfigurable Computing System |
Section 5. Industrial Internet of Things |
12089 | A. Valeev, R. Tashbulatov, R. Karimov Development of a System for Remote Condition Monitoring of Industrial Machines and Defect Locating |
12215 | V.A. Bogatyrev, Anh Tu Le, E.A. Abramova Reliability of Multipath Networks with Optimization of the Location of Inter-Path Communication Nodes |
55018 | A.N. Ushkov, N.O. Strelkov, V.V. Krutskikh, A.I. Chernikov Industrial Internet of Things Platform for Water Resource Monitoring |
Section 6. Virtual and Augmented Realities for Industry 4.0 |
11868 | D.V. Goncharov, O.A. Ivashchuk, N.G. Reznikov Method for Modeling and Vizualization of Agricultural Crops Growth Based on Augmented Reality Technology in Terms of the Greenhouse Effect Dynamics |
12156 | N.V. Khalina, N.N. Pivkina, T.S. Borzhikov Evidential Markers of Virtual Reality: Linguistic Markup of the Navigation Route |
12163 | N.M. Borgest, S.A. Vlasov, D.S. Glibotsky Development and Application of an Application with Augmented Reality Technology for Training Future Aircraft Designers |
Section 7. Cybersecurity in Digital Industry |
11809 | I.A. Kalmykov, D.V. Dukhovnyj, A.A. Olenev Development of an Imitation-Resistant Sattelite Authentication Protocol Using Modular Codes of Residue Number System |
11814 | I.A. Kalmykov, N.K. Chistousov, N.I. Kalmykova Modification of Schnorr Authentication Protocol Using Modular Codes |
11996 | U. Kuzmina, O. Kazakov, B. Erushev Building an Attack Tree for Analysis of Information Security Risks |
11997 | A.V. Manzhosov, I.P. Bolodurina, N.A. Dolgushev Development of an Automated Method for Compiling a List of Protected Objects Based on a Special Classification of Information Assets in the Field of Information Security |
12030 | S. Khanbekov, À. Zakharov Continuous Speaker Authentication when Using Network Administrator Virtual Assistant |
12050 | À. Zakharov, I. Zakharova, D. Korenev Blockchain Architecture for Secure Storage of IoT Data |
12069 | A.Yu. Iskhakov, M.V. Mamchenko, S.P. Khripunov Enhanced User Authentication Algorithm Based on Behavioral Analytics in Web-Based Cyberphysical Systems |
12074 | N. Dorofeev, A. Grecheneva, R. Sharapov Informational Image of a Person’s Gait According to Mobile Phone Data |
12079 | Y. Kuzmina, A. Azovtseva, A. Perminova Vulnerability of Biometric Protection |
12125 | A. Iakovleva, M. Zhukova, T. Strekaleva Information Security Incident Handling Regulation |
12149 | A. Salita, A. Krasov Network Stegoinsider Detection |
12178 | Yu.A. Alexeevskaya, Yu.V. Molodtsova, R.A. Alexeevsky Forensic Search for Traces of Unauthorized Access Using the Kerberos Authentication Protocol |
12191 | A.M. Boger, A.N. Sokolov Calculating the Maximum Response Time of Protection Systems of Industrial Control System Network to the Impact of a DDoS Attack |
12211 | M.P. Sokolov, P.A. Manatin, N.D. Zyulyarkina The Parallelization of Computations for Ensuring Information Security in Connected Vehicle Systems Using Q-Effective Programming: The Example of Dijkstra’s Algorithm |
55001 | A.N. Ragozin, A.D. Pletenkova Artificial Neural Network Predictive Autoencoder with Pre-Digital Signal Processing Unit |
Section 8. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks |
11892 | E. Kuimov, N. Vetrova, S. Meshkov Model of the Initial Section of RTD’s CVC for RFID Tags |
12042 | A.N. Krasnov, M.Yu. Prakhova, Yu.V. Kalashnik Organization of Wireless Sensor Network at Drilling Sites |
12253 | E. Jharko, M. Mamchenko, S.P. Khripunov Robot/UAV Indoor Visual SLAM in Smart Cities Based on Remote Data Processing |
55004 | S. Kalabanov, R. Shagiev, R. Ishmuratov Automated Data Acquisition System for Cold Water Metering at Factory |
Section 9. Industrial Robotics |
11807 | P. Grakhov, A. Fedin, V. Yasoveev Characteristics of Angular Displacement Actuators Based on Magnetostrictive Plates under the Action of Prestressing |
11878 | O. Filipovich, N. Chalenkov, A. Vozhzhov Determining the Positioning Accuracy of a Multifunctional Module Based on a SCARA Type Manipulator |
12007 | V.A. Karapetyan, V.N. Miryanova Solving the Inverse Kinematics Problem for a Seven Link Robot Manipulator by the Particle Swarm Optimization |
12028 | Iu. Zaitceva, N.V. Kuznetsov, B. Andrievsky Approach to Identifying Areas of Uncontrolled Oscillations in Human-Machine Systems |
12199 | O. Emelyanova, S. Efimov, S. Jatsun Algorithms for Robotic Intelligent Systems for Predicting Fire Hazardous Situations at an Early Stage |
12240 | E. Koptjaev, A.J. Marques Cardoso A New Rectifier for Industrial Use |
12241 | E. Koptjaev, A.J. Marques Cardoso A New DC Source for Experimental Use |
12242 | E. Koptjaev, A.J. Marques Cardoso A Comparative Study of Brushless Non-salient Pole Monopolar Generators |
55014 | R.R. Galin, S.B. Galina Approach to Efficient Task Allocation in a Collaborative Robotic System Using Modified Cost Functions |
55015 | S.B. Galina, R.R. Galin Approach to Efficient Task Allocation and Cost Minimization in Collaborative Robotic Systems |
Section 10. Control systems and Automation Engineering |
12120 | A. Prasolov, S. Andreev, I. Nazarov The Algorithm of Intelligent Control Adjustment of the Mode Map of Hot Blast Stove’s Unit Based on Fuzzy Logic |
44001 | I.R. Abdulveleev, I.V. Liubimov, V.R. Gasiyarov Construction Smart System for Monitoring Technical Condition of Furnace Transformer Vaccum Circuit Breaker |
44002 | P.A. Bovshik, B.M. Loginov, V.R. Khramshin Construction Principle for Object-Oriented Digital Twins of Mechatronic Complexes of Rolling Mills |
44003 | V.V. Shokhin, G.P. Kornilov, O.V. Permyakova Investigation of Frequency Controlled Electric Drive with Control Signal Limitation by the Frequency Controller |
55008 | A.A. Vagapov, R.O. Guzanov, I.V. Iakovlev The Development of the Technique for Automated Tracing of Printed Circuit Board Interconnections of Electronic Devices |
55017 | A.N. Shishkov, M.M. Dudkin, V.K. Le, N.A. Eremin Neutral Point Voltage Balance Based on Space-Vector PWM with Five-Stage Sequence for Three-Level Voltage Inverter |
55019 | A. Karpov, D. Sarychev, S. Kalabanov Computer Model of “Smart Grid” for Power Transmission Lines with Tree-Like Topology |
55020 | A.S. Maklakov, A.A. Nikolaev, V.R. Gasiyarov, A.A. Filimonova Power Quality Improvement in the Grid via High-power AC Regenerative Electric Drives |
70003 | S.V. Oskin, Z.H. Naguchev, D.M. Taranov Investigation of the Temperature Condition of Electric Motors Using the Comsol Package |
88001 | G. R. Titova, M. I. Malsagov. Mathematical Model of a Micro Grid for a Hybrid Autonomous Station Based on Renewable Energy Sources for the Republic of Ingushetia |
88006 | V. Gusev Application of an Extreme Regulator to Control an Inertial Object |
88007 | Sh. Umarov Dependence of Current Invertor Critical Frequecies on its Load Parametrs |
88008 | Ah. F. Akkad, N. Erdili, E. Sosnina Application of a Fuzzy Logic Controller in a D-STATCOM in an Electrical Network with Distributed Generation |
88010 | G. F. Akhmedyanova, T. A. Pishchukhina, A. M. Pishchukhin Signal Delay Study in the Adaptive Control Scheme with the Model in the Loop |
88011 | A.V. Petrov,D. A. Kostiukov,M. V. Zhukov. Use of the Larionov Scheme as Negative Sequence Filter of a Three-Phase Voltage System |
88012 | A.V. Petrov, D. A.Kostiukov, P. A. Zvada The Study of Error of Determining the Phase Shift |
88014 | Yu. Soluyanov, A.r Fedotov, A. Akhmetshin Study of Electrical Loads of Individual Residential Buildings with the Subsequent Development of Regulatory Documents |
88015 | V.V. Mikhaylov Influence of External Magnetic Fields on Measurement Errors by Induction Current Transformers |
88017 | A. A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Gorlov, M. A. Volchanina Research of High-Voltage Discharge in Oil on a Simulator with a Various Set of Defects |