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"Индустрия 4.0' 2024"

    Фамилии авторов, название доклада
    Секция 1. Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение в Индустрии 4.0
    12829V.A. Fedorov
    Recognizing Railway Infrastructure Using CNN and Stereoscopic Vision
    12837E.A. Saltanaeva, S.M. Kutsenko, I.P. Alekseev
    Image Classification Task Automation Using Neural Networks
    12840D. Korobkin, V. Shcherbinin, S. Fomenkov
    The Analysis of Images of Mathematical and Chemical Formulas from Patent Documents
    12844I.I. Eremina, E.A. Saltanaeva, S.M. Kutsenko
    Development and Testing of an Artificial Neural Network Model to Analyse Data, Image Data
    12848A. Khabibrakhmanova, I. Alekseev, R. Tazieva
    Comparative Analysis of Learning Models for Solving Natural Language Processing Tasks
    12849Л.Р. Камалетдинова, А.А. Романов
    Управление на основе данных на производстве
    12850L. Kamaletdinova, A. Romanov, N. Yarushkina
    Industrial Data-Driven Control
    12853K. Svyatov, I. Khairullin
    Obstacle Avoidance Method with Local Semantic Map Generation for Self-Driving Cars
    12861S. Vasyukov, V. Kabakov, A. Maсovey
    Application of Machine Learning Methods to Determine the Movement of a Car Using a MEMS Accelerometer Signal
    12866А.Ю. Дорогов
    Комитет компетентных классификаторов повторного входа
    12876Yu. Kuvayskova, A. Izyurova, N. Krasheninnikova
    Hyper-Parameter Selection of Machine Learning Models for Predicting the State of a Technical Object
    12880N. Trub, E. Petrunina
    Advanced Algorithms for Distributed File Systems: Copying and Comparison
    12900O.A. Ivashchuk, D.V. Goncharov, V.I. Fedorov
    Digital Technologies for Assessing and Predicting the Impact of the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Greenhouse Gases on the Photosynthetic Activity of Crops
    12901I. Zelichenok, I. Kotenko
    L/STIM: A Framework for Detecting Multi-Stage Cyber Attacks
    12911L. Martynova, A. Pavlov
    Аugmented Reality Using for the Obstacles Avoidance Route Planning by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
    12912L. Martynova, I. Pashkevich, V. Bykova
    Development of a Digital Twin of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to Assess the Effectiveness of Searching for Bottom Objects
    12915I.I. Jumanov, S.M. Xolmonov, O.I. Djumanov
    Identification Based on the Optimal Information Structure of Non-Stationary Objects
    12919Khanh Doan Huu
    A Speed Prediction Model Using A HIL Simulator and Neural Network for Cargo Ships
    12923D. Kutuzov, A. Osovsky, D. Starov
    Properties of 5G Video Conference Traffic and Short-Term Forecasting of Input Data Rate
    Part 1: A. Osovsky
    Properties of Data Traffic in Mobile Networks, Analysis of Data Traffic Parameters;
    Part 2: D. Kutuzov
    Overview of Forecasting Methods, Results of Short-term Forecasting
    12950R.Y. Sadovnikov, T.A. Barbasova, D.A. Shnaider
    Prediction of the Degree of Metallization of Hot Briquetted Iron
    12962Mingming Zhang, Yujie Luo, K. A. Neusypin
    Research on Combined GNSS/IMU/Camera Positioning and Navigation in Full Scene
    12967Jiafeng Yang, A. Rusak, A. Belozubov
    Enhancing Brain Tumor Classification Using Data-Efficient Image Transformer
    12994Д.И. Попов, В.А. Бондаренко
    Выбор и формирование эффективной архитектуры нейронной сети для прикладных задач медицинской диагностики
    13020O. Galai, D. Kurdiumov, A. Rusak
    Machine Learning Methods of Symptom Extraction from Medical Notes
    13027N.A. Andriyanov, P.V. Burankina, V.E. Dementyiev
    The Using of Artificial Neural Networks for Reinforced Concrete Structures Condition Monitoring
    13080A. Akhmedova, I. Zhazhneva, O. Matrenina
    A System for Processing Large Volumes of Text Information Using Neural Networks
    13124L.N. Yasnitsky, A.N. Rabchevsky, S.V. Martynenko
    Reducing the Percentage of Defective Castings Using the Neural Network Modeling Method
    13149N.V. Smirnov, A.K. Seneva
    Automation of Athletes Identification in an Image
    13155T.V. Basоva, Yu.S. Andreev
    Maintenance of Operable Condition of a Flexible Production System through the Development and Implementation of a Method for Cutting Tools and Workpieces Operational Control
    13171I. Rizaev, E. Takhavova, M. Shleimovich
    Identification of a Person Based on Block Processing of a Signature Image
    13172A.V. Pchelin, A.S. Martyanov, D.S. Antipin
    The Analysis of the Neural Network Optimizers in Condition of the Limited Dataset
    13174A. Margun, R. Iureva, D. Antonov
    Machine Learning Approaches for Failures Detection in Inertial Navigation Systems
    13196A. Perevoshchikova, E. Medvedeva
    Algorithms for Recognizing Railway Infrastructure Objects in Images
    13204E.S. Abramova, A.A. Orlov, O.A. Abramov
    Exploring the Impact of Parameters on the Effectiveness of the Neural Network Alternate Incremental Learning Algorithm
    13211A. Mukhutdinov, A. Akhmetshin
    Neural Network Technology for Technical Assessment States of Power Transformers
    13213A.A. Zotkina, A.I. Martyshkin
    Detection of Cyberbullying in Texts Posted by Users of Social Networks Using Machine Learning
    13214N. Vlasenko
    Research of Summarization Methods for Presentation Slides Generation
    13219F. Laputin, I. Sidorov, A. Moshkin
    Computer Vision Methods for Assessing Ovarian Reserve
    13220L. Suleiman, S. Vlasov
    The Effect of Changing-Lane Prediction Algorithms on the Performance of ACC System Model in Matlab/Simulink
    13223L.K. Movsisian, T.E. Smolentseva
    Application of Intelligent Decision-Making Support Model in the Processes of Omnichannel Marketing
    13224E. Berezin, E. Pikalov, K. Avdonin, I. Zarubin
    Applying of Pre-Trained SotA CNN Models at a Local Enterprise for Human Identification: Comparative Analysis of Accuracy
    13230Д.С. Князев, И.В. Волков, А.М. Макаров
    Интеллектуальная система диагностики ступичных узлов
    13249K. Zhernova
    Touchless Gesture Recognition for Smart Mirrors
    13286D. Nikiforov, S. Efimov, I. Provornykh
    Studying how the Configuration of a Genetic Algorithm Affects the Solution of a Problem
    13294А.В. Чукалин, В.В. Шеркунов, А.В. Петров
    Применение методов машинного обучения к задаче поиска оптимальных технических решений
    13297R. Zhitkov, V. Mikhailov, I. Rubtsov
    Methods and Software Tools for Generating Waypoint-Driven Motion Profiles for Highly Automated Vehicles Using Q-Learning
    13299D. Mikhailapov, A. Tulupov, V. Berikov
    Mask Correction in 3-D Tomography Brain Images for Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Acute Ischemic Stroke
    13313O.D. Kreerenko
    Nonlinear Adaptive Control of UAV Flight under the Influence of Wind Disturbances
    13320Amir Abdel Menaem
    Current Control Technique for Solid-State Soft Starter Fed Induction Motor
    13346Yu. Danik, M. Dmitriev
    Neural Network Model for Constructing Feedback in Nonlinear Control Systems Based on Asymptotic Methods and the SDRE Approach
    13351A. Kruzhalov, A. Philippovich
    Patch-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Cerebral Aneurysm Recognition
    13369M. Kolpakov, M. Omarov, M. Khasanov
    Development of an UAV System Architecture Using Machine Vision Algorithms with a Single-Board Computer or FPGA
    64002F.M. Nazarov, Sh. Yarmatov, M. Xamidov
    Machine Learning Price Prediction on Green Building Prices
    64023V.R. Gasiyarov, S.V. Voronin, A.A. Radionov, I.V. Lyubimov, S.A. Evdokimov, V.R. Khramshin
    Intelligent On-Line System for Monitoring Technical Condition of High-Voltage Cable Couplings
    Секция 2. Технологии цифровых двойников
    12856M. Nizamutdinov, V. Martynov, Z. Davletova
    Technologies of Human Digital Twins as a Basis for Decision Support for Strategic Planning of Territorial Development
    12883A.M. Gataullin, D.F. Gubaev, R.V. Gataullina
    Development of Digital Twin Technology for Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on the Partial Discharges Method
    12909Yu.A. Gorskii, D.S. Evstratov, N.V. Melnikova
    Development of the Vitrification Furnace Digital Twin Using а Digital Platform
    12982S. Nesterov, V. Baklanov
    Development and Application of Incomplete Digital Twins for Studying Processes in Ferrofluid Sealer
    12997Н.С. Сенюшкин, Е.А. Данилова, О.А. Шустова
    Использование цифровых двойников для ускорения процесса проектирования на примере студенческого конструкторского бюро авиационного профиля
    13007I. Lepekhin, N. Arkhipova
    Impact of the Statistical Properties the Input Data for Mathematical Models in a Digital Twin Environment
    13008L.V. Massel, A.G. Massel, A.R. Tsybikov
    Agent-Service Approach to Building Digital Twins
    13157A.V. Solovyev
    Digital Twins of Document Archives
    13181R. Gazizov, A. Shubin
    Modification of Skeletal Character Animation Using Inverse Kinematics Controllers
    13256R.G. Minullin, R.G. Mustafin, A.A. Granskaya
    Location Monitoring of Overhead Power Lines Using a Lightning Protection Cable
    13266S.P. Kovalyov, O.V. Lukinova
    Architecture of the High-Tech Manufacturing Automation System on the Basis of the Digital Twin
    13359В.Н. Ковальногов, А.В. Чукалин, Д.А. Демидов, Т.В. Карпухина, С.В. Бусыгин
    Цифровой двойник атмосферного пограничного слоя в области ветропарка как объект отработки технологии управления метеорологической обстановкой
    13380K. Aksyonov, P. Ziomkovskaya, O. Aksyonova
    Automated System Application for the Production of Metallurgical Products for Analysis of Technological and Logistic Processes
    13381A. Shubin, E. Zykov, C. Nadyrshina
    Evaluation and Optimization of Vehicle Cabin Ergonomics Using Virtual Reality
    64004Yu.S. Shevnina, L.G. Gagarina, E.V. Konyuhov
    Modeling of a Digital Twin of an Automated Production Process
    64017S.S. Voronin, B.M. Loginov, M.A. Zinchenko
    Digital Equivalent Load Monitor for Rolling Mill Motors
    Секция 3. Сбор и аналитика больших данных
    12834D. Issabekov, S. Issenov
    Alternative Resource-Saving Current Protections for Electric Motors
    12859Sh.R. Yakhin, R.I. Galiev, Sh.F. Rakhmankulov
    Development of a Combined Model for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Measures in a Distributed Network and an Algorithm for its Interaction with a Relational Database
    12871I.F. Galiev, M.Sh. Garifullin, Sh.F. Rakhmankulov
    Optimization of Power Transformer Defect Recognition Algorithm with Dga Based on Probabilistic Neural Network
    12873I.F. Galiev, Sh.F. Rakhmankulov, D.A. Smirnov, M.Sh. Garifullin
    Stages of Developing an Adaptive Model of a High-Efficiency Gas-Piston Mini-CHP Complex with Energy Storage Units Operating under Electric and Thermal Load Schedules
    12887M. Bulygin, D. Namiot
    On the Smart Card Data Privacy in Public Transport
    12890Yu. Sherstyuk, A.A. Musaev, D.A. Grigoriev
    Production Experience Storage Systems as an Element of Intelligent Decision-Making Support
    12892N.C. Vanroye, A.I. Vlasov
    Technical Statistics Processing for Performance Management in Cellular Networks
    12897I. Shevtsova, N. Dneprovskaya
    A Method for Introducing Big Data into State Organizations
    12914D. Topolsky, A. Beliakov, V. Beliakova
    Search Procedures Optimization in Digital Twin Data Lakes
    12921D. Romanov, L. Gadasina
    Using a Decision Tree for the Clustering Problem
    12922R.G. Mustafin, A.V. Radivoevich, A.A. Granskaya
    Studying tne Frequence Dynamics of the Power System and Determining tne Constant Frequency Based on WAMS
    12924V.V. Zunin, A.L. Stempkovsky, R.A. Solovyev
    CAD Architecture for Expansion of WSL-Based Combinational Circuits Dataset
    12928Dung Nguyen Thi Thu, L.V. Chernenkaya
    A New TSK Gaussian Fuzzy Inference System with Principal Component Weight
    13003M.M. Bazhutin, V.S. Moshkin, N.G. Yarushkina
    An approach to Increasing the Speed of Calculating the Composition of an Aircraft Manufacturing Enterprise Products Using Parallelization of Calculations
    13011M. Savchenko, V. Tynchenko
    Unsupervised Production Machinery Data Labeling Method Based on Natural Language Processing
    13013D. Rakov
    Combinatorial Explosion Problem of Big Data Analytics by Morphological Approach
    13044S. Lygdenov
    Priority Service in Data Transmission Networks with Non-Stationary Flows
    13212Yu. Soluyanov, A. Fedotov, A. Akhmetshin
    Development of Regulatory Documents for Calculating Electrical Loads of Single-Family Homes Using Big Data
    13225D. Bogdanova, G. Shakhmametova, A. Niiazgulov
    Medical Recommendation System Based on Collaborative Filtering Algorithms
    13231S. Zuev, P. Kabalyants
    Predicting Analysis of the Multi-Sensor Signals in Terms of Time Series
    13232D. Bogdanova, A. Giniiatullin, Jaspreet Singh Batth
    Existing Approaches & a Proposal to Content Analysis of Pilots' Speech Activities
    13235A. Baybulatov, I. Lepekhin, V. Promyslov
    On Linear Envelopes Calculation for Traffic Flows in Industrial Control Systems
    13261V. Kochyn
    Conceptual Model of Complex Integrated Systems
    13296I.A. Grigorenko, E.V. Nesterova, S.V. Igrunova
    Automation of Predicting Malfunctions of Medical Equipment
    13318E. Miftakhov, T. Mikhailova, S. Mustafina
    Methods and Algorithms for Implementation of Imitation Approach to Modeling of Physicochemical Processes
    13360M.I. Malsagov, G.R. Titova
    Combined Information and Measurement System for Electricity Metering for Autonomous Hybrid VEI Stations
    13378S. Fomenkov, D. Korobkin, A. Bobunov
    Analysis of Graphic Images to Expand Descriptions of Physical Effects
    64005A. Rashidov, A. Akhatov, D. Mardonov
    The Distribution Algorithm of Data Flows Based on the BIRCH Clustering in the Internal Distribution Mechanism
    64006N. Firoz, O. Berestneva, S.V. Aksyonov
    Dual Layer Cogni-Insight Deep-Mood Encoder: A Two-Tiered Approach for Depression Detection
    64007A.K. Kanaev, E.V. Login, K.A. Pudovkina
    Conceptual Foundations for Forming a Configuration Management Subsystem of a Telecommunications Network
    64016N.N. Alaeva , E.R. Enikeeva
    On the Issue of Continuous Monitoring of Oil Well Production Parameters
    64024O.A. Gasiyarova, B.M. Loginov, A.A. Radionov, V.R. Gasiyarov, V.R. Khramshin
    Validation of Moment Monitoring Results in Rolling Mill Stand Spindles
    Секция 4. Облачные и высокопроизводительные вычисления для умного производства
    12842A.I. Martyshkin
    Development and Analysis of Subsystem Models of Message Queues Transmitted within both a Reconfigurable Computing System and Accessing the System-Shared Memory
    12843A.I. Martyshkin
    Development and Analysis of Mathematical Algorithms Models and Processes Synchronization Functions in Operating Systems for Embedded Reconfigurable Computing Systems
    12867M.Yu. Romashikhin
    Implementation of Regular Topologies for NoCs Based on schoolMIPS Soft-Processor Cores
    12906I. Sokolov, Yu. Stepchenkov, Yu. Diachenko
    Self-Timed Counter Implementation Basis
    12945D. Moskvitin
    Forward Erasure Correction Code for Short-Delay-Sensitive Messages at the QUIC
    12968N.A. Sabirov, R.F. Gibadullin
    Parallel Processing of SQL Queries Using MPI.NET
    13002I. Filianin, V. Bogatyrev, M. Lesonen
    Development of a Query Delay Injection System for the MEC Simulator of the LWMECPS Platform
    13168I. Sokolov, Yu. Stepchenkov, Yu. Diachenko
    Synthesis of Self-Timed Circuits with Memory
    13255Yu.S. Shevnina, S. F. Tsarapkin, Si Thu Thant Sin
    Processing of Nonlinear Heterogeneous Data in Information and Control Systems
    13269V.P. Mochalov, N.Yu. Bratchenko, D.V. Gosteva
    Dynamic Load Balancing and Distribution Algorithm in Distributed Cloud Computing
    13316E. Miftakhov, D. Ivanov
    Utilizing Cloud Technologies in the Investigation of Physicochemical Processes
    13332M.A. Korobok, I.S. Shemolin, K.B.Sazykin
    Practical Implementation of an LLC Converter with Integrated Resonant Circuit Elements
    64018S.S. Kuzovov, A.F. Smykov
    The Application of Convolutional Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in Control and Automation Systems for Recognizing and Assessing the Danger Level of Hot Cracks in the Production of Cast Products
    Секция 5. Промышленный Интернет вещей
    12869V.E. Kostin, A.A. Silaev, R.Yu. Borzin, A.G. Kravets
    Cyber-Physical Systems in Pond Aquaculture
    12898D.V. Goncharov, V.I. Fedorov, O.O. Ivashchuk
    Methods, Models and Hardware-Software Complex of Distributed Monitoring Based on Iot and Blockchain Technology
    12910A. Ebraheem, I. Ivanov
    OptIoT: A Domain-Specific Language For Optimizing IoT and IIoT Infrastructure
    12955B. Remizov, S. Tretyakov, Yu. Andreev
    Edge IIoT in Manufacturing
    12963A. Malyshev, A. Chugunov, S. Chernyh
    Investigation of a Novel Architecture for a One-Way Ranging UWB Local Navigation System
    12999M.D. Krasko, D.A. Kostyukov, A.A. Ladygin
    Power Outage Warning System
    13006I. Cherunova, P. Cherunov, G. Radyuhina
    Development of the Principle of Operation of Smart Clothing Managing Human Fatigue under Conditions of Thermal Discomfort
    13162R.R. Sharipov, O.V. Panchenko
    Problems of Using PLC Technology in Industrial Systems in the Context of Digitalization
    13199A.N. Ushkov, R.G. Riazantsev, N.V. Morozov, A.Y. Trofimov
    Radio Navigation Algorithms for Tasks of Industrial Internet of Things
    13200A.N. Ushkov, V.V. Krutskikh, N.O. Strelkov, D.S. Chukashov
    Automating Electric Power Consumption with a Smart Electricity Meter
    13205D. Perepelkin, K. Anisimov
    Research and Analysis of Modified Paired Transitions Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic in Software Defined Networks of Internet of Things
    64013Ye. Kuznetsov, V. Zyubin
    Development of Project Management Module for Reflex cloud IDE
    64022A.A. Nikolaev, M.V. Bulanov, V.S. Ivekeev, A.S. Maklakov
    Stability Increasing of Rolling Mills Electric Drives in Case of Voltage Sags by Using Static Var Compensator
    Секция 6. Виртуальная и дополненная реальность для Индустрии 4.0
    12888O.A. Ivashchuk, V.A. Dunaeva, I.I. Goncharova
    Development of an Information System for Modeling and Visualization of Crops Growth and Development under Climate Change Conditions Using 3D Modeling and VR/AR Technologies
    13302A. Korzhakov, S. Korzhakova, B. Malinka
    Web-Visualization of the Process of Controlling Operating Parameters of the Demonstration Bench on the Basis of Active Experiment in CoDeSys Environment
    13005D. Rakov, M. Pecheykina
    Synthesis of Advanced Data Input System in Virtual and Augmented Reality System Interfaces
    13015N.M. Borgest, S.A. Vlasov, N.A. Kondrashin
    Creating an Application with Mixed Reality Technology in the Field of Aircraft Engineering
    13179D. Sahibgareeva
    Skeletal Animation of Three-Dimensional Models Using Nanite Technology
    13192A.V. Varganova, D.A. Petrov, D.O. Pozin
    VR Simulator for Operational Switching in Closed Switchgears of 35-220 kV Substations
    13202К.И. Беляева, М.С. Большакова
    Рекомендации к улучшению образовательного VR-контента
    64010Д.Р. Гриненко, А.В. Григорьева
    Alone in forest. Тренажер руководителей поисково-спасательных работ с использованием виртуальной реальности
    Секция 7. Информационная безопасность в цифровой индустрии
    12864M. Kalinin, M. Poltavtseva
    Big Data Security Evaluation by Bidirectional Analysis of Access Control Policy
    12885A.V. Bykasov, A.N. Sokolov, A.M. Boger
    Trust Model for Active Scanning Methods, Ensuring their Secure Interaction with Automated Process Control Networks
    12889I.V. Kotenko, V.A. Desnitsky, I.B. Parashchuk
    Optimal Filtering and Extrapolation in Problems of Quick Security Assessment of Critical Information and Telecommunication Resources
    12913V. Zolotarev, A. Oleynikova, B. Zakhir
    Dynamic Playbooks Quality Metrics
    12918E. Ichetovkin, I. Kotenko
    Modeling Attacks on Machine Learning Components of Intrusion Detection Systems
    12972G. Uteyev, R.F. Gibadullin
    Development of the Decentralized Biometric Identity Verification System Using Blockchain Technology and Computer Vision
    12973Z. Gizatullin, R. Gizatullin, M. Nuriev
    Analysis of Signal Integrity and Distortion in Twisted Pair in a Multilayer Printed Circuit Board
    12985A.A. Zakharov, A.M. Shabalin, K.S. Kruchkovsky
    Features of Creating a Virtual Laboratory for Developing and Applying Correlation Rules in Modern SIEM-Systems when Training Security Operation Center Analysts (by the Example of Microsoft Windows)
    12986A. Sychugov, M. Grekov
    Automated Penetration Testing Based on Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning
    13024A.N. Ragozin, A.D. Pletenkova
    Analysis the Informative Value of Digital Images of Signals from Industrial Control Systems under the Influence of Cyberattacks
    13170A.A. Povyshev, A.N. Sokolov
    Ensuring the Integrity and Availability of Information in the Model of Decentralized Data Storage System
    13188V.A. Kokovin, A.N. Sytin, V.V. Skvortsov
    Hardware Cybersecurity on the FPGA Platform during Network Interaction of Distributed Industrial Equipment
    13201V. Gryzunov, A. Krjukov
    The Concept of Trust in the Integration of Information Systems
    13209K. Izrailov
    GREMC: Genetic Reverse-Engineering of Machine Code to Search Vulnerabilities in Software for Industry 4.0. Predicting the Size of the Decompiling Source Code
    13222N. Leonov, M. Buinevich, A. Chechulin
    Top-20 Weakest from Cybersecurity Elements of the Industry Production and Technology Platform 4.0 Information Systems
    13238M. Gorda, A. Chechulin
    Evidences Extraction and Analysis Challenges
    13317D.A. Glozshtejn, I.G. Sidorkina
    Analysis of the Main Security Threats of Videoconferencing Systems
    13319A. Nikishova, M. Umnitsyn, O. Kakorina
    Steganography Techniques for Encrypted Cover File
    13330T.A. Volkova, Jing Ou, A.R. Valeev
    Possibility of Implementing the Concept of a Unmanned Small Hydroelectric Power Plant from the Point of View of Information Security
    13349D. Bogacheva, O. Lukinova, E. Pavlova
    The Approach to Assessing the Correctness of Automated System Endpoint Devices' Parameters Using Their Reference Models
    Секция 8. Беспроводные сенсорные сети
    13037V. Gvozdev, A. Rakipova, R. Galimov
    Routing Based on Temporal Characteristics of Information Interaction of Local Infocommunication Systems Nodes
    13160Hung Nguyen Van, Anh Pham Hoang, Duc Vu Van
    Applying Real-Time Whale Optimization Algorithm for Environmental Quality Monitoring System in Hai Phong Port, Vietnam
    13180D. Galkina, S. Tomashevish, O. Borisov
    Maintaining a Wireless Sensor Network Structure in a Variable Dynamic Environment
    13182M.E. Dimin, O.A. Kramar, V.A. Kramar
    Construction of Underwater Hydroacoustic Networks
    13288J.F. Kurbanov, N.V. Yaronova, E.I. Khidirov
    Contactless Control System is a Dimensional Device for Monitoring Rolling Stock in the Process of their Movement
    13290K.A. Shabanov, S.M. Vlasov, S.A. Arustamov
    Research of Signal Adaptive Filtering Algorithms
    Секция 9. Промышленная робототехника
    12827M.V. Vartanov, V.L. Nguyen, E.A. Kogan
    Evaluating the Use of Support Vector Machine Models for Contact State Identification of Non-Rigid Cylindrical Parts during Robotic Assembly
    12828M.V. Vartanov, E.A. Kogan, Van Linh Nguyen
    Analysis of Deformability of Non-Rigid Cylindrical Parts during Robotic Assembly Using a Force Torque Sensor
    12839N.V. Belov, A.G. Vovik
    Adaptive Control System for the Process of Sorting Objects Using a Robotic Arm
    12860M. Popov
    An Industrial Inkjet Control System: The Methods and Approaches
    12868B. Skorohod, A. Liashko
    Dynamic Positioning of Underactuated AUVs Using Visual Servoing
    12896S. Sukhorukov, N. Shusharin
    Command System for a Robotic 3D Printing Complex Using DED Technology
    12903A.D. Arslanov, R.S. Kashaev, O.V. Kozelkov
    System of Oil Express Flow Control on the Basis of Proton Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
    12905O. Filipovich, V. Kamtsev, M. Maistrishin
    Movement Control of a SCARA-Type Manipulator via the Brain-Computer Interface
    12951A.V. Knyazkov, Yu.N. Slesarev, A. A. Vorontsov
    On the Issue of Comparing Magnetic Fields and the Output Signal in Magnetostrictive Converters of Linear and Angular Displacements Using Solenoids in the Form of a Spiral and a Cylindrical Shape
    13012A. Yatsun
    Analysis of the Exoskeleton Stability Walking Dynamic Model
    13042P. Bezmen, O. Emelyanova, S. Jatsun
    Mathematical Modeling of Tethered Platform Vertical Flight
    13176A.A. Smagin, A.S. Kulmukhametova
    Positioning Welding Robot Link at a Fixed Equipment Angle
    13183A. Bokhonsky, N. Varminskaya, M. Maystrishin
    Separation of Optimal Controlled Motion into Components
    13190A. Gubankov, I. Gornostaev
    Development of a Method for Generating Extremely High Reference Motion Speeds of Mechatronic Objects Moving Alone or in a Group
    13217V. Filaretov, A. Zuev, A. Protsenko
    Synthesis and Experimental Research of Fault Detection System for Actuators of Robot Manipulator by Technical Vision
    13251A.K. Nesterenko, V.P. Kosteletskii, A.M. Lakoza
    Effect of Conductor and Dielectric Arrangement on the Protective Characteristics of Protection Devices in Common and Differential Modes
    13276A. Sabitov, N. Gubarev
    Robotic Complex for Assessing the Condition of Electrical Equipment of Substations
    13310E. Koptjaev, A. J. Marques Cardoso
    Study of Molten Steel Level Sensor
    13364O.V. Zakharov, L.V. Seliverstova
    Positional Control of 6-DoF Robot Based on an Optimal Inverse Kinematics
    13368A.M. Popov, D.G. Kostrygin, A.A. Shevchik
    Algorithm for Simultaneous Target Interception by Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    13382E.V. Fedyanin, A.A. Vorontsov, Yu.N. Slesarev
    On the Issue of Studying the Dependence of Magnetic Fields Created by Solenoids in the Acoustic Paths of Magnetostrictive Linear Displacement Sensors on their Parameters and Changes in Distance from its Center
    64001V.G. Kozyrev
    Control of the Electric Drive Shutdown by Applying the SDRE Method
    64003M. Gorkavyy, Yu. Ivanov, M. Melnichenko, A. Gorkavyy
    Research the Potential for Energy Saving and Maximizing Productivity in Rectilinear Transitions of a Collaborative Robot
    64008Van Hieu Vu, Van Dung Nguyen, M.V. Vartanov
    A Model of the Robotic Assembly Process Based on a Force-Moment Sensor
    64009A.N. Shishkov, M.M. Dudkin, V.K. Le, N.A. Eremin
    Optimizing DC Link Capacitors in Three-Level Voltage Inverter Based on Space-Vector PWM with Seven-Stage Switching Sequence
    64014I. Shchegolikhin, S. Andreev
    Development and Analysis of Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Continuous Cast Billets Warehousing Process
    64015S.M. Andreev, D.V. Nuzhin
    Defining Fuel-Saving Heating Mode for Billets in Through-Type Furnace Using Statistical Model of External Heat Exchange
    64019M.V. Arkhipov, A.Yu. Malkarov, V.V. Matrosova
    Design Software in Tasks of Algorithmization of Manipulation Robots in Assembly of Parts with a Shaft-Bushing Connection Method
    64021M. Rachkov, Wu Que
    Ultrasonic Location System of a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot